Drug addiction can take many forms and relate to an extensive list of substances ranging from prescription medications and alcohol abuse to meth or heroin addiction. Whatever the source, addiction side effects are almost guaranteed.

Whether you or a loved one has a problematic relationship with drugs, taking control of the situation at the earliest phase will reduce the severity of addiction side effects. Nonetheless, you must first learn to appreciate what side effects may occur. Here’s all you need to know.

Short Term Side Effects Of Drug Addiction

Before looking at the long term side effects of drug addiction, you must first consider the short term issues. Drugs are commonly split into three main categories, and they all carry risks.

  • Stimulants: They are drugs like cocaine that leave you feeling energetic and confident. However, they also create feelings of anxiety and paranoia, which can lead to panic attacks. They additionally cause blood pressure issues.
  • Hallucinogens: These are drugs like LSD that distort perceptions. Short term effects may include having dark thoughts and seeing frights that don’t really exist. This can lead users to inadvertently harm themselves and others.
  • Sedatives These are drugs like heroin that relax the body. They can lead to heart failure, lung failure, and organ failure. Overdoses, accidental or otherwise, can potentially lead to death.

Meanwhile, all drug usage can lead users to make poor judgments that subsequently put lives at risk. 

Long Term Drug Addiction Side Effects

As with the short term side effects, long term impacts of problematic drug use will vary from one person to the next. A wide range of factors will influence the negative impacts, including but not limited to;

  • The age at which a user become addicted,
  • What type of drug is taken,
  • How much they use in a session,
  • How frequently they use a substance,
  • How many years they abused it for,
  • Natural biological factors.
  • Whether several drugs are used.

Nevertheless, you can expect to see a variety of long term addiction side effects on the body, brain, and lifestyle.

Long Term Drug Addiction Body Side Effects

Long term drug abuse will have a drastic impact on the body’s physical wellness. This includes the general health and function of organs, especially when there is repeated strain. Some of the most common issues are;

  • Heart conditions: Various drugs can cause irreversible damage to the heart. In cases, like cocaine, impacts occur each time they are used. Even when the damage is minimal, it accumulates over time to cause major heart conditions. Meanwhile, injectables can cause the veins to collapse or cause blood infections.
  • Lung health problems: The respiratory system is put under immense strain by being on a high, as well as anxiety while opioids can reduce breathing rates to dangerous levels. Smoking or inhaling drugs can lead to asthma, lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis among other related conditions.
  • Kidney damage: Many drugs cause dehydration and/or increased body temperatures, which can lead to kidney failure and other potentially fatal problems. The breakdown of muscle tissues caused by various drugs is another potential source of ongoing kidney damage.
  • Liver damage: In severe cases, liver damage can be fatal.it is caused by the physical impacts that occur when using heroin, as well as when prescription opioids are taken in excess. The damage is worsened when the drugs are combined with alcohol consumption.
  • Intestine health issues: Gastrointestinal conditions develop due to progressive decaying of the stomach, resulting in pain, discomfort, and a range of other symptoms like acid reflux. The damage may be caused by a wide range of drugs across all three main categories. 

Long Term Drug Addiction Mind Side Effects

In addition to physical damage, drug addiction will lead to long term mental side effects. Some of the more frequent brain-related issues are;

  • Memory loss: As the user becomes dependent on substances, the drugs actively change the way the mind processes information. This can results in memory loss and difficulties with learning new things, not least because the mind is more receptive to drug triggers.
  • Brain cell loss: Brain cells naturally die due to a wide range of reasons, but drug abuse can accelerate the decline. Sadly, this is irreversible. Frewer brain cells will impact your ability to compute knowledge and will increase the risk of Alzheimer’s and related issues.
  • Cognitive decline: Changes in the brain caused by drug usage include impacts on glutamine, which is the brain’s internal reward system. As such, a person’s way of thinking will be impacted, altering their personality. It is possible that their ability to complete body functions will suffer too.

Additional mental health issues may result from drug abuse, such as  long term depression. Changes in brain connections between cells and neurons will occur too.

Long Term Drug Addiction Life Side Effects

Addiction side effects aren’t limited to direct influences. It is equally important to recognize the indirect damage it causes to a person’s life. Again, the long term issues can vary greatly from one person to the next. Still, common issues include;

  • Increased threat of other addictions.
  • Financial problems and job losses.
  • Damaged relationships.
  • Criminal behavior and punishment.
  • A loss of perspective on life.

 Whether the long term addiction side effects have surfaced or not, all abusers must seek help ASAP. The Recovery Home will provide the support needed to get clean, stay clean, and recover from the effects,



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